SINOPEC Northeast Oil and Gas Branch north 201-5HF gas wells
Time: September 2015
Well name: North 201-5HF
Party A: Jiangsu drilling northeast branch
Well depth: 4110.89m
Features: Complex strata, easy to leak and spray, large geological changes, large amount of thin and discontinuous reservoirs
Project Overview:
North 201-5HF well, which is located in Changling County, Jilin Province, is a production and construction wells. The geological structure of the well’s location is that: Beizhen is Changling rift fault zone and Longfeng Mountain trap, the target layer is IV sand group Yingcheng Group. It is the first time for this part to introduce our company's at-bit geology-oriented technology for production and efficiency development, and it achieved a complete success. This well became the first high production well among this region.
Difficulty in construction:
1, Complex geological structure, poor regularity, uneven vertical and horizontal distribution of oil and gas among different levels. The largest difficult of this block is how to accurately layer and enhance the rate drilling into oil and gas layer.
2, There are up to 6 layers of reservoirs in the Longfeng Mountain close cycle. But they have the disadvantages of poor continuity, hard to layer low drilling rate.
3, This block has high geological risk: the stratum mudstone is easy to collapse, pulp; the well walls are easy to expand and collapse.
Customer Reviews:
1, The company's at-bit geology-oriented equipment has brought revolutionary technology for the development of this thin oil layer block. It effectively enhanced the drilling rate of the reservoirs in this block and a substantially increased single well production;
2, The at-bit geology-oriented equipment is advanced in technology and has good reliability. It has comprehensively improved the drilling comprehensive prescription.